OK, OK. I admit. I may only get 1 post each month. I do have it in my mind to post twice, but things aren't working out, and quite frankly I haven't had anything really exciting to talk about. I finally finished my door project in our bathroom, Allie painted the bedroom and ripped out all the base board, leaving that for me to finish. She actually gets the worse part though, cause she has to paint it all!!! Summer is coming, I can feel it in the air, no really. Even though we got enough snow last weekend that the neighborhood was covered in snowmen. Allison did take me to breakfast at Cindis in Huntington Saturday morning. It was great!!! Thanks for the surprise love. (I think she did it cause she knew how awnry I get when it is painting time) Then she went and painted pretty much all of the room why I was messing with the door and feeding the kids. Sprinkling system is getting ready to be put in, well the one last line in the back. The driveway should be put in the end of this month, and then trees. And all my summer projects are over!!!! Except for hauling dirt to the east flower bed and straightening out the west one (my wife wants matching flower beds). Compared to sprinkler lines and driveways...that is childs play. I am closing in on the end of the weight loss contest, and so far lost 20 lbs. We have until the week of the 18th in May. I was trying to get below 200 but that would be another 30 pounds, and I don't see that happening, but I keep swimming, keep watching my weight and some will still come off. I would like to start lifting also...but that never happens, besides I don't have a weight set. Anyway...enough rambling. If something of interest happens I will be back on until then...